Your Wedding Day Magazine & The SFDWG 2010

Last year just 2 days before I moved from California to Memphis, instead of packing I was running around San Francisco and 1 Fort Mason at a launch party for the San Francisco Dream Wedding Giveaway 2010. How could I not? Liz Guthrie (the founder) is a dear friend with a HUGE charitable vision. It was such a great night and as a gift to the event and team I fashioned 3 tables with designs and flowers I was sure no one had seen before. The most prominent was the replica of the logo Astrid Mueller had created for the national Contest.

With the help of my husband and Monica ( and later Krystan and Sean) we set up a grand 8 ft table sized Golden Gate Bridge of flowers, wood, Ethereal Decor crystals, and lights (and a few of my son's matchbox cars). The results are something I am still very proud of.

I found this article last week after purchasing YWD magazine in a local craft store. The funny part of the story is that after I ooohed and aaahed over the entire gloriously crafted magazine shoots and wished I could have been a part of it I reached page 180. There was a story about the contest, Liz, the winning couple, and the sponsors. What a great way to find photos you didn't even know had been published! Thanks to Lilia Ahner, the shots used truly captured the essence of the evening and all the details of that unique table. I am including a sketch so you can see behind the scenes of what things look like when I try and explain them to clients and coordinators. I think I was spot on.
Three Cheers for the winning couple, their new married lives together, and my dear friend Liz who gave them all of this by creating such a wonderful contest! In case you didn't know, she also founded a
national charity after feeling the need to marry ALL of the heartwarming contest non-winners. Memphis chapter is in the works so stay tuned...